Balancing and Healing the Energy Body with Bioenergy Therapy

Meet Rochelle Lewis

Hello and thanks for being here.

My name is Rochelle Lewis and I am a Level II certified Practitioner of the DomanÄić Method of Biotherapy since 2009. I was trained by Instructor, Zoran Hochstätter in the USA.

Initially, I sought out bioenergy therapy to help heal a painful back injury that just wouldn’t relent for many years after countless physio, chiropractic, acupuncture, cranial-sacral and reiki appointments and thousands of dollars later. While searching for other options, I discovered The Domancic Method. This therapy saved my life! With each treatment, I would heal another level until one day there was no longer any pain. After everything I had gone through, I wanted to use this modality to help others.

After learning The Method I have spent years providing treatments as needed. It is a passion for me to be of service in this manner. I am grateful beyond measure. 

These days I work on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, while raising a family. I also teach classes on many topics, such as the biofield, fermenting, natural health and beauty products, and natural remedies.

I hope you have enjoyed being here.

Please feel free to message me for more information. For interviews email


Rochelle Lewis


Tags: Rochelle Lewis, bioenergy therapy healing practitioner, spiritual counselor, Domancic Method