Balancing and Healing the Energy Body with Bioenergy Therapy


Energy is every thing. 

Bioenergy is a powerful and effective healing modality. Some call it Qi, God, or Ether. It works and is highly results oriented. 

Where there is pain, the excess energy is removed. Where there is too little energy (numbness), energy is added. Bioenergy balances the electromagnetic field in and around the body, otherwise called the biofield or aura. This field indicates health or disease and represents 80% of our overall health. Without a healthy biofield, we get sick. Many things in our modern world impact the biofield negatively, like EMF & radiation, drugs, alcohol, stress and more. 

At this time treatments are conducted predominantly by distance, but can also be applied on an individual basis or in groups.  The power of groups amplifies the healing, similar to collective meditation and prayer. 

Here are a few things bioenergy does:

  • Directly boosts the immune system
  • Eliminates pain 
  • Regenerates tissue
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Speeds healing
  • Heal without pharmeceuticals
  • Help overcome addictions on all fronts
  • Provide a sense of well being and calmness (de-stress)
  • Reconnect you 
  • Restore dreaming and regeneration of sleep cycle
  • Help you find your happiness 
  • Helps achieve peak performance in all areas of your life

Bioenergy is applied over a four day period, called a treatment, to acheive results quickly. It can be 4 days in a row or scattered over a period.  For serious issues, it is recommended to pursue the four days in a row treatment initially to acheive faster results.  

Each session ranges from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. Since bioenergy is the transmitting of healthy information at a vibratory plane, each treatment reinforces and cements this new information of health at a cellular level creating the habit (memory) of health, instead of illness.  With each session the immune system (biofield) is enhanced.  Receiving bioenergy will continue to help the body for the coming weeks.

For more information watch the healing documentary:  Think About it, by Zoran Hochstatter. 

Email Rochelle Lewis at


Tags: Bioenergy healing Therapy, immune system, heal, pain